Etka Smile

Working Hours : Mon - Sat 09.00 - 19.00

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  • Importance of Tartar Removal

Importance of Tartar Removal

Scaling is vital for maintaining oral health and is more beneficial than harmful. Tartar is mineral deposits that accumulate between the gums and teeth and cannot be removed by brushing. These deposits are removed by professional dental cleaning

The Importance of Tartar Removal:

Preventing Gum Disease: Tartar can lead to gingivitis and other serious gum diseases. Cleaning reduces these risks.

Eliminating Bad Breath: Tartar can cause bad breath. Cleaning helps to solve this problem.

Protection of Tooth Enamel: Scaling does not damage tooth enamel; on the contrary, it protects it.

Scaling does not harm teeth when done with the right techniques. On the contrary, regular scaling is one of the most effective ways to maintain oral health.

Contact us for more information and appointments.

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