Etka Smile

Working Hours : Mon - Sat 09.00 - 19.00


What is Curettage?

Curettage is a dental procedure used in the treatment of periodontal diseases. This procedure aims to remove bacterial deposits and inflammation under the gums and tissues that support the teeth. Curettage is usually performed when gum disease has progressed, when the gum pocket has deepened, or when gum disease has not responded to treatment.

Curettage is performed to control and prevent the progression of gum disease. Removing the bacterial deposits and inflammation that accumulate in the gum pocket can help the gum tissue regain its health. It is also important to prevent gum disease from leading to more serious complications.

Frequently Asked Questions About Curettage Treatment

In which cases is curettage necessary?
  • Deep Pocket Formation: Deep pockets formed between the gum line and the tooth surface can cause bacterial accumulation and inflammation. Curettage can be applied to clean these pockets and control the infection.
  • Tartar Accumulation: Tartar is mineralized plaque that accumulates on the tooth surface. Removing tartar is important for maintaining and improving gum health.
  • Periodontal Disease Treatment: During the treatment of periodontitis or severe gingivitis, curettage may be performed to heal the gum tissues.
  • Gum Pocket Cleaning: Deep gum pockets can create a favorable area for the accumulation of bacteria and inflammation. Curettage can be performed to clean these pockets and control infection.
  • Regular Care: Periodic curettage procedures may be required to keep gum disease under control and to ensure regular care.
  • Aesthetic Purposes: Curettage can also be performed to correct gum contours or to correct gum tissue for aesthetic reasons.
    • Surface Curettage: The gum pocket and root surfaces are cleaned superficially. Plaque, tartar and infected tissues are removed.
    • Deep Curettage (Stage 1 and Stage 2): In more advanced cases, the gum pocket is cleaned more thoroughly. At this stage, the root surfaces are cleaned more thoroughly and correction can be performed.

Local anesthesia is applied during the curettage procedure, so patients do not feel pain or discomfort. There may be a slight recovery period after the procedure, but usually patients can quickly return to their daily activities.

  1. Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is applied to the procedure area so that the patient is comfortable and no pain is felt.
  2. Curettage: The dentist or periodontist enters the gum pocket with special instruments to remove bacterial deposits and inflammation. These instruments are designed to remove bacteria and plaque deposits without damaging the gum pocket.
  3. Root Planing: In addition to curettage, root planing can be performed. In this procedure, bacterial deposits and rough tissues are removed to smooth the roughness on the surface of the tooth roots.
  4. Application of Therapeutic Agents: In some cases, therapeutic agents (such as antimicrobial agents) can be applied to the gum pocket. These agents can help control the growth of bacteria.
  • It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions exactly. Sticking to the treatment plan affects the healing process.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene habits reduces the risk of infection after treatment.
  • Choosing soft and juicy foods can support healing.
  • It is necessary to use the medicines recommended by the doctor regularly and correctly.
  • Avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption reduces the risk of negatively affecting the healing process.
  • It is important to follow regular check-ups, monitor the healing process and make adjustments.
  • If braces or dentures are used, it is important to care for and use them according to the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding stress can have a positive impact on the healing process.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of curettage?


  • Effective Cleaning: Curettage is an effective method to remove plaque and tartar accumulated on tooth surfaces. In this way, gingivitis can be controlled.
  • Preserving Gum Health: Curettage can help prevent the progression of gum disease. More serious complications can be prevented by maintaining the health of the gums with treatment.
  • Bone Preservation: Curettage can help limit jaw bone loss as a result of the progression of gum disease.
  • Reduction of Bad Odor: Bad breath caused by gum diseases can be reduced by curettage treatment.


  • Sensitivity and Pain: Mild sensitivity or pain may be felt during and after treatment. However, these effects are usually short-term and manageable.
  • Temporary Bleeding Gums: Mild bleeding may occur after curettage. However, this is usually short-term and can be controlled with treatment.
  • Healing Process After Treatment: It may take a few days for the gums to heal after treatment. Special care may be required during this process.
  • Risk of Re-infection: For treatment to be effective, it is important to observe regular oral hygiene habits. Otherwise, infection may occur again.
  • Cost: Curettage treatment can be costly. However, maintaining gum health can prevent more serious complications and reduce costs in the long term.

The curettage treatment process can vary depending on the patient’s condition and treatment requirement. In general, we can say that a curettage treatment session can last approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. However, in larger areas or more serious cases, the treatment time may be slightly longer. It is important to perform a detailed examination and evaluation prior to treatment to determine the best duration for the patient’s needs and treatment plan.

Local anesthesia is used to avoid pain or discomfort during curettage treatment. There may be a mild recovery period after treatment and patients can usually return to their daily activities quickly. The healing process may vary from person to person, but relief is usually seen within a few days.
For more information and details about the treatment process, do not hesitate to contact our specialist dentists. Remember that the treatment process is planned individually, as each patient’s situation is different.

  • Stage of the Disease: How advanced the gum disease is affects the treatment time. An advanced disease may require more time and effort.
  • Width of the Treatment Area: The number and size of the areas to be treated can affect the treatment time. It may take longer to treat a larger area.
  • Patient’s General Health: The general health of the patient can affect the healing process. A healthy immune system can speed up recovery.
  • Treatment Method: Different treatment methods can be used, such as classical curettage or laser-assisted curettage. These methods may have different effects and recovery times.
  • Patient Response: Each patient’s body may respond to treatment in different ways. Some patients may recover faster, while others may take longer.
  • Regular Check-ups: Regular check-ups after treatment can affect the healing process. It is important to comply with the treatment and stick to the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Other Treatments: Other dental procedures may be required during or after treatment. This may affect the total treatment time.

The price of curettage treatment may vary depending on the patient’s condition, the extent of the treatment and the materials used. Since each patient has different needs, a detailed examination and evaluation is required before a precise price can be quoted.

Periodontal procedures, such as curettage treatment, should be performed professionally by specialized dentists and should use quality materials. We aim to provide the most effective and quality treatment by prioritizing your health.

For more information and detailed pricing on curettage treatment and other periodontal procedures, you can contact our specialist dentists by visiting our clinic or using our contact information. We are here to evaluate the most suitable treatment options for you and offer you a detailed pricing.


About Curettage Treatment;

If you want to get more information or have detailed information about pricing, you can contact us by coming to our dental clinic or using our contact information.

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